Gifted & Talented

Gifted/Talented & Talent Explore

Austin ISD offers Gifted and Talented program services on all campuses. GT Advocates on each campus supports teachers, students, and families with resources and information. All campuses in Austin ISD offer Gifted and Talented identification and placement. Parents and caregivers can submit their child’s name to the Campus GT Advocate to be evaluated for Gifted and Talented services. 

Austin ISD Elementary GT Services

Elementary GT services include instruction by a teacher with the appropriate GT Foundations training within a cluster grouping model (small group of identified GT students within the general education classroom). Students have a GT Learning Plan based on their grade level. Parents/guardians of identified GT students at the elementary level should expect a GT Student Services Summary each semester completed by the teacher.

Enrichment & Extracurricular

Enrichment activities include opportunities that provide depth and complexity through exploration, extension, or elaboration. Extracurricular activities and organized events include opportunities outside of the traditional school day such as clubs, competitions, contests, mentorships, and internships. Campuses select which activities to offer.

How are students referred? 

Parents, teachers, staff, and community members can refer a student during the fall referral window. 

What needs to be done after a student has been referred? 

Parents/caregivers will complete an observation form. This form will be sent to parents/caregivers automatically after completing the referral.  Teachers will also complete an observation form.


Parent referral link:


Family Connection Icon in Parent Portal:


Upcoming dates

Aug. 20th - Oct. 7th : Student Referral Window Opens

Sept. 23rd - Oct. 14th: Nonverbal Universal Screener (2nd Grade Only)

Oct. 4th - Nov. 3rd: Parent Observation & Permission to Test

December 20th: Parent Notification of Eligibility

January 7th: Newly Identified Students Begin Services