
Welcome to Menchaca!

We welcome our returning families who have been with us for multiple generations and also our newest families who are just joining our community. 


Parents/guardians please follow us on social media:

Twitter - @MenchacaElementary

Facebook -

Menchaca elementary is appreciative to have the assistance and support of Project HELP (Hope & Empowerment ~ Leveraging Possibilities) 

Please click the link provided to see what they can do to assist you and your family~

Are you interested in volunteering? 

We welcome your help and support! Please complete the volunteer application, then contact your child's teacher or the front office to make arrangements that meet your schedule. This form must be done for every school year.

It can take 7-10 business days for it to complete. You will get an email letting you know if your background check was approved. Parents/Guardians will not be able to volunteer unless that process goes through.

Para Padres/Guardianes que desean ser Voluntarios en el Campus

Asegúrese de completar Austin Partners in Education (APIE). Este formulario debe hacerse para cada año escolar.

Puede tardar de 7 a 10 días hábiles en completarse. Recibirá un correo electrónico informándole si se aprobó su verificación de antecedentes. Los padres/tutores no podrán ser voluntarios a menos que se lleve a cabo ese proceso.

Menchaca Gifted and Talented Services

Elementary GT services include instruction by a teacher with the appropriate GT Foundations training within a cluster grouping model (small group of identified GT students within the general education classroom) which allows for opportunities for curricular tasks that include greater depth, complexity, and pacing while working independently and with other GT students as well as students not identified. Parents/guardians of identified GT students at the elementary level should expect a GT Student Services Summary each semester completed by the teacher or another form of documentation of the academic options provided. Academic options provided vary based on campus and teacher decisions.